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Thursday, October 2, 2014

High Defitnition Video System for Small Business or Residential

So my wife has been asking for years to install a video surveillance system at our house.  Although we live in a very good neighborhood in San Jose, California we still get silly and not so silly things happening on our street.  Mostly someone checking car doors to see if they are open then rummaging through the vehicle looking for things of value.  Although the other day my daughter reported that shortly after our mailman delivered our mail a woman dressed similar to our mailman approached the house and went through our mailbox.

I decided to installed an analog video system at the house; mainly because we had the recorder and cameras here in the shop.   I should have known better.  The 480 TV lines of resolution produced by this system were just not enough.  It was like looking through a fish bowl and trying to make things out.  Having installed many high definition video systems and seen the quality of images available with these systems I was not satisfied with the analog system.  About a month later I decided to install a high definition 1080p system at the house. 

Having recently discovered a cost effective coaxial based high definition system produced by LTS I decided to remove the analog system and replace it with this HD system.  What a difference!   The images are crystal clear.  There is no doubt about the activities around my home.  The night time view is equally as impressive -  providing a crystal clear black & white image.

 We are now making this system available to our commercial and residential customers. 

4 Camera, 1080p, Complete Video Surveillance System installed starting at $2,500.

8 Camera, 1080p, complete video surveillance system installed starting at $4,500.

16 Camera, 1080p, complete video surveillance system installed starting at $8,100. 

If you are in the greater San Francisco Bay Area and would like to receive a firm estimate for your application please contact me at 510-770-9900 or

Friday, August 15, 2014

License Plate Recognition

I get asked about license plate recognition all the time.  With the newer high definition megapixel network cameras it has become easier to achieve.  It is all about pixels per foot.  The more pixels on the object the more likely you are to capture a license plate. 
A minimum of 45 pixels per foot are required to be able to capture a license plate.  This is measured in the horizontal field of view.  Meaning the correct camera and lens combination is required to capture a license plate. 


These pictures are captured with an Arecont 5 megapixel day night camera which is recorded to an exacqVision network video recorder. 

We at Protection Plus Security Services are experts in video surveillance systems and have installed numerous high definition video surveillance systems for our customers.